
Music United is a diverse association of people passionate about music in The United Church of Canada, Canada’s largest Protestant denomination. Musicians, clergy, laity, worship committee members – all are welcome to join us as we seek to further the cause of music within the church. Our mission statement:

Music United exists to promote, support, and advance music ministries, and those who provide music leadership in every level and community of faith in The United Church of Canada. Music United enables and supports musicians, regardless of their age, race or cultural background, gender identity, ability, and sexual orientation. Music United provides musicians with opportunities to work together, by means of communications activities, special projects, programs, workshops, consultations, and publications, all for the greater glory of God.

Check out the Music United Membership Benefits!

Visit our membership page or e-mail us to find out about the benefits of joining our network. To God be the glory!

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Music Matters 2024: St. Paul’s United Church, Thunder Bay, ON, May 2-5

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual Music Matters conference, this year in Thunder Bay, ON! If you can’t join us in person, please join us online on Zoom. See Eventbrite for ticket prices and registration for both in-person and online options.

We’ll be updating the schedule as details unfold, so check back here for further info. See you in Thunder Bay! For further information, contact us.

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Music Matters: Choral Workshop with Andrée Dagenais, May 4, 2024

As a part of our annual Music Matters conference in Thunder Bay, we are pleased to have Dr. Andrée Dagenais from Brandon University joining us for a day of workshops! Area choristers are welcome to register for the afternoon choral session, 1:00pm-3:30pm, plus an earlier morning choral direction workshop, 9:30am-12:00pm. Or join us for the entire conference if you wish – all are welcome!

Registration for the Saturday workshops and for the entire conference on Evenbrite.

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Music United Positions In Need of a Nomination

AGM Saturday, May 4th, 2024

Nominations close by April 30, 2024

Descriptions of the Two Positions Open for Nomination


The Co-Chair of the Administrative Committee will ensure the integrity of the Administrative Committee’s process and serve as the official representative of the Association and the Administrative Committee to outside parties. The Co-Chair shall ensure that the Committee acts consistently within its own standards of practice and those legitimately imposed by the membership. The Co-Chair is empowered to chair meetings of the Committee with all the commonly accepted power of that position (for example – ruling, recognizing). The Co-Chair is responsible for communicating the policies of the Committee to the various groups, associations, and individuals affecting by such policies. The Co-Chair is authorized to make reasonable interpretation of the provisions of the policies of the Administrative Committee. This position requires attendance of monthly meetings of the Committee or arrangement of an alternate to preside.

Terms of Office: The Co-Chair is elected at the AGM of the MU Membership for a three-year term with the first year overlapping with the current chair and a new co-chair sharing the position for the final 2 years.

Program Co-ordinator:

  • Primarily responsible for overseeing the organization and execution of Music Matters including the development and oversight of the Music Matters sub- committee
  • Oversight of webinars and other MU events
  • Developing a database for Music United resources in support of the Conveners and broader membership

Terms of office:
The Program Co-ordinator position is a 3-year term, non-renewable

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Music United Regional Convenors – Positions open for Application

Music United has re-aligned our Convenor positions to match the current Regional structure of the United Church. In addition, three special Convenor positions have been identified. Persons are welcome to apply, at any time, for a vacant position as the Regional Convenor for their area.

Applications can be made online.

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Workshop and Plenary videos from Music Matters 2024 now available

We have posted eight videos from Music Matters 2024 in Thunder Bay, ON, to our Music United YouTube channel. Check out the Music Matters 2024 playlist, plus videos from past conferences. See you in Montreal for Music Matters 2025, April 25-27!

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Music United AGM 2024 – please join us!

Our annual meeting for Music United will be held in-person and online during our annual Music Matters conference, this year in Thunder Bay, ON. If you are in Thunder Bay, please join us in person at St. Paul’s United Church, 349 Waverley St., on Saturday, May 4 at 4pm EDT. We will also be live on Zoom, so you can join the meeting online as well.

Please download the annual reports ahead of time so you are ready for the meeting. All are welcome!

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Organist/Choir Director wanted, Scarborough Bluffs UC, Scarborough, ON

A position has opened at Scarborough Bluffs United Church for an organist/choir director, to begin when it can be mutually arranged.

We are a smallish but viable and open-minded congregation that values the music part of worship highly. Our sanctuary is renowned for its acoustics (several choirs perform here); we have a Sohner grand piano and an Ahlborn Galanti organ with three manuals and a full pedalboard. We have a large library of anthems as well as Voices United and More Voices. Our SATB choir members can all read music and sing well. Both congregation and choir are open to many genres of music, as long as it enriches and/or enlivens the worship service.

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Hold the date! Music Matters in Thunder Bay, May 2-5, 2024!

Our annual gathering for musicians and music lovers across The United Church of Canada will be held in Thunder Bay, ON, May 2-5, 2024, hosted by the area congregations! Details are almost in place, so hold the date while we finalize a great set of workshops, plenaries and singing opportunities. Full details and registration links will go up on this website in early January 2024.

Join us in person if you can, or online via Zoom. Either way, we can’t wait to see you!

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Minister of Music wanted, Westminster UC, Whitby, ON

Westminster United Church in Whitby is seeking a part-time Minister of Music to join their dynamic Ministry team. 

Westminster is an affirming church that welcomes diversity and all age groups to be part of a church community of 350 and includes an active Sunday School group as well as a growing online presence. 

Job Overview 

Reporting to and working in close collaboration with the Lead Minister, the Minister of Music will create an atmosphere of celebration and reverence to God through music for all worship services. The Minister of Music leads and directs the church music program to include choirs, vocal, instrumental, and other expressions of musical experience. The church has a 3-Manual Phoenix organ ( 2003) and a 6’ grand Heintzman piano ( 201). 

The Minister of Music fosters an innovative, blended style of music to enhance and support the worship message goals. The Minister of Music is responsible for directing a Senior Choir of 20, a Praise Band of 8-10 and advising and overseeing youth involvement in worship services. The Minister of Music is also responsible for providing music for additional musical presentations. 

This is a permanent part-time position that will require a commitment on average of 20 hours per week. 

Westminster United Church is an affirming church where all are welcome to participate fully in the life of the church. 

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Music Director wanted for Humbercrest United Church, Toronto, ON

Humbercrest United Church is seeking an experienced and knowledgeable musician to fill the role of Music Director (12 hours per week). Worship and music are an integral part of our faith community. The wonderful acoustics in our beautiful sanctuary make a great setting for our Casavant organ and Steinway grand piano.

Humbercrest United Church is an affirming ministry. We are a small congregation in the west end of Toronto, seeking to be a Christian presence in our community and make a difference in the world.

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